It is with great pride that Keeler & Nadler Family Wealth wishes to announce and extend congratulations to Jessica Hultberg for her recent achievement of her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP®) designation, making her the 6th member of the Keeler & Nadler team to earn this honorable recognition.
The CFP® certification is recognized as the standard of excellence for financial planners and its marks identify those individuals who have met the rigorous experience and ethical requirements of the CFP® Board and completed the 18–24-month process consisting of components including:
Education: The two-part education requirement includes rigorous coursework on financial planning through a CFP® Board Registered Program. Candidates must also hold a bachelor’s degree or higher (in any discipline) from an accredited college or university.
Exam: The CFP® exam is a 170-question, multiple-choice test that consists of two 3-hour sessions over one day. The exam includes stand-alone and scenario-based questions, as well as questions associated with case studies.
Experience: Candidates are required to complete either 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements.
Ethics: Candidates agree to adhere to high ethical and professional standards for the practice of financial planning, and to act as a fiduciary when providing financial advice to clients, always putting their best interests first.
The CFP® commitment and education does not end upon successful completion of the initial requirements. A CFP® professional is required to complete ongoing continuing education to further their competence in financial planning.
Keeler & Nadler Family Wealth is proud of Jessica’s accomplishment and her ongoing commitment to furthering her expertise. She is a valued member of the firm and the financial planning team.